Thursday, December 29, 2011


So... kinda forgot I had a blog. Whoops! Okay, so, update: wedding cancelled *gasps heard from around the globe*. Marriage NOT cancelled. *sighs of relief from all*. I know everyone is soooo disappointed, it was going to be the most awesome wedding EVER!!!! But, we decided spending money on ourselves was a better idea than spending money on anyone else. Because we're awesome. Weddings are fun, but week-long trips to Ireland are like.... way better. So, we are getting married in exactly 2 months on February 29th. Yep, leap year. How SWEET is that?! I'll tell you... it's pretty damn sweet. Then we go to Ireland at the end of March. THEN yours truly gets knocked up like a little ho. Only I'll be married, and this one won't be a bastard. I wouldn't call Izzy a bastard if she didn't act like one so much. But she's my little bastard. And a cute one, to boot! And, truth be told, I love that little bastard.

On to the rest of this post: I'm going to keep track of my New Years Resolutions on here. I have a few:

1. Quit smoking. I have until we go to Ireland. Because then it's baby-making time, and I will not be smoking at the start of this pregnancy. I always wonder if maybe Isabel wouldn't have the problems she has if I didn't drink and smoke so heavily before I found out I was pregnant. Or get into that accident. Or get those X-rays. Yeah. I suppose I should be happy she doesn't have an arm growing out of her forehead. But I do wonder.

2. Quit drinking pop/Only eat out once a month. This includes fast food and sit-down restaurants. I want to be healthier. I don't necessarily want to lose weight, because if I'm to be getting my eggs fertilized and growing a person in my uterus, losing weight would be fairly counter-productive. And unhealthy for ze bebe. So cutting those two things alone should help out quite a bit.

3. Read 100 books! I can do it! Easily! Especially once I get my Kindle Fire when we get our taxes back :) There are so many on my "Wanted" list to read that I can't hardly contain myself. And, since I'm less than half done, I'm going to count the book I'm reading now as Book #1. I'm allowed to cheat. I'm sanely thinking of bringing child #3 into this household, I need all the help I can get!

So, I will be posting weekly updates on my resolutions, to see how I'm doing. For all 2 of you who read this. It's really more for me, anyway. So there! I'm excited, are you?! I AM!!!! Not that excited, sorry, I'm out of control.

PS: Very proud of my limit on the swears in this blog. Gramma would be proud!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

10 Things I'm Thankful For

I was going to do 30 things I am thankful for, but.... that was hard. Especially if I wanted to avoid sounding completely arrogant. These are my major things, and I'm pretty sure it took me like 45 minutes to even think of these lol. Here we go!

1. First, and most importantly, my daughter. Before she was born, I was headed towards a very terrible future. I was still cutting regularly, drinking myself to death, I wasn't eating, I was smoking like a chimney (I still smoke but not often), I was battling severe depression (again, still do, but it's easier to see the light now), and I was just on a path of self-destruction. I can honestly say, without a doubt, that she saved my life. I would have killed myself. I do still struggle, I do get the urge to cut or binge drink or destroy myself.... but it's not as often, and I am able to control it.

2. My Lovah. He puts up with a lot. I'm a cold-hearted bitch who despises affection of any kind. Somehow he hasn't murdered me in my sleep. Yet *knocks on wood*

3. My job. There are things I hate about it, it's not the greatest. BUT it is a full-time job, and I make a difference. I help people, and I get paid..... well, better than fast-food people. But I DO get paid!

4. A roof over my head. Cuz, seriously, if I had to live with my parents again, there would be a double murder/suicide in the papers. Which sort of conflicts with number 5....

5. My parents. They were NOT by any means perfect or even necessarily good parents. But they raised me to be who I am. They taught me tough love, to fend for myself, and that there are NO free rides in life. They've come a long way, and they do help me out quite a bit now, but only on conditions. They never just buy me anything, I have earned every single last thing I have ever had, my parents haven't bought me anything since I was 16 years old. They never bought me a car, a computer, furniture, NOTHING. And I am very very proud of that. The closest they came is they purchase my cars because of ruined credit due to identity theft, but I have to pay them back ASAP, always in less than a year. And I appreciate that :)

6. My AMAZING health! Now, those of you who know me know that I have had tons of surgery. This is the first year I have gone without a major hospital visit since like 2004, so that is absolutely amazing. But even THAT aside, I have the best health of anyone I know. I am never sick. I've never even had the flu (or a flu shot, for that matter). So I am thankful for that!

7. A car that runs. Honestly, that is a huge deal. Especially in a Wisconsin climate. A/C works, heat works, runs great, it's all one color... can't ask for much more!

8. A great family... in-law.... soon. Seriously, they are amazing! I can't believe how lucky I am to be marrying someone with such a great family. It makes up for me having such a fucked up family that doesn't know how to treat anyone and only looks out for themselves.

9. Friends. Though few in number, I am thankful for the few I have. It's nice to have someone to joke around with and de-stress with. Get some girl-time. It's important!

10. My mind. I have a pretty spectacular mind, in my opinion. I am very open-minded, incredibly smart, fairly witty, and I can be pretty hilarious at times.