Wednesday, March 14, 2012

So I guess this is married life...

So I am married now. Lovah is my hubby now and Lou is my stepdaughter! Everyone keeps asking me how married life is. Umm... no different? People always say "It's so different" and "Everything changes". I mean... my name and my marital status changed, nothing else did. Yeah, pretty presumptuous for only being married 2 weeks, but nothing is different and all those people who say I am "stupid" and this is "a mistake" (most of the people I know, shockingly enough) are just miserable and I refuse to listen to them. I mean, we already lived together, we already pooled our money together, we already considered ourselves a family of four, the only thing missing was the piece of paper and my name change. Oh, and this time I'll actually get to PLAN a pregnancy! Which should be something exciting/different, ha. I should also clarify, these nay-sayers about me being married... the reason they are saying that is because they view marriage in GENERAL as a mistake and something only stupid people do (these people are, in fact, married). This is not any sort of lack of support in my particular marriage, which is amazing. It's nice when you marry someone who ISN'T a total waste of human flesh. I'm glad Lovah got it right this time around and didn't marry the antichrist. Two weeks in and I haven't cheated on him? I have GOT to be doing better than Crazy already! Hell, the fact that I have NEVER cheated on anyone makes me the much, much, infinitely much better person.

So, in short, our little family unit is doing fabulous. The girls were already sisterly towards each other, now we just are able to call them stepsisters, and they love it! I'm excited for our first family photo session! I think it's funny when people can't tell if they are "real" sisters or not, then we tell them that they are one of each, and then they can't figure out who's is who's. Of course, The Goob looks like no one. She has times she looks like her dad, but she looks a LOT like my mom and my sisters. Plus, when she sleeps, she's a carbon copy of me at 3.

Speaking of Goob being 3, she's already going to be 4 in a month and a half!! I can't believe it! She has her 4-year-old kindergarten screening coming up in about a month. I have no idea when she decided to stop being a toddler, but I think I missed it! I've got the decorations for her party, it's going to be Hello Kitty. Oh my, I have to get her invitations ready! Ahh! I can't believe how quickly this is all being sprung on me. She's going to start gymnastics again at the end of the month, so that's exciting! I just have to order some leotards because the ones from last year are WAY too small on her. So, that's what's been going on since January. Not much.

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