Friday, January 27, 2012

Apparently I just don't love her enough

People are fucking batshit crazy over their babies these days. Spending hundreds of dollars on things like strollers, baby monitors, car seats, bottles, cribs, etc. This bothers me. I look up these products online often, and they basically are saying that you don't love your children unless you spend a house payment on all that crap. And if you can't afford it, then you are an even more irresponsible parent for bringing a child into the world without being rich. Sorry, we can't all make 6+ figures! I have been shunned for not doing hardly any of the SIDS preventing things you are supposed to do with babies. The Goob slept on her stomach with bumpers on her crib and a blankie. Why? Because no matter HOW I tried, she's a stomach-sleeper, just like her mom. I'd have to never sleep again to get her to sleep on her back, even as an infant she was always on her side or stomach, it's how she's hardwired. The bumpers? She always ended up with an arm or leg out of the crib, and I was afraid that she'd end up breaking or dislocating a limb. Plus, I believe SIDS is something that is unpreventable, either it's going to happen or it's not and there's nothing you can do about it and if you spend all of your baby's first couple years stressing over it you are not truly going to enjoy that time. And holy shit the baby monitors these days are absolutely so ridiculous it is just fucking stupid. Do you REALLY need a camera watching your baby? Are you going to look at the screen and go "Oh, they're hungry. I can tell, because they are holding up a sign!"? No. You're going to see a crying baby. The same as if you'd get off your ass and go see for yourself, the same thing you're going to see in the 30 seconds it takes you to go see that baby in person. And those sensors that tell you when the baby doesn't move? Fucking SERIOUSLY?! It has been proven that in MOST cases, SIDS is unpreventable. Even if you are there to actually witness that last breath, let alone the 20 seconds it takes for the alarm to go off, then the time it takes you to get to the baby and actually do something about it. By then, brain damage. SIDS is such a wide-reaching thing, it is no one thing that can kill your baby. Hell, Goob slept in bed with me for the first 3 months anyway, and then shared a room with me until she was 2. Not by choice, but that's another matter.

I've also been looking at car seats and strollers. Now, I don't believe in getting the cheapest of the cheap car seats, don't get me wrong there. Especially when you're like me and get the convertible ones. But over $400 and you're just fucking stupid. Unless that is something you can easily afford (no one I know is!), that is pointless. Especially when I don't really know many people who only have one car seat. The Goob has at LEAST four car seats between me (2), my parents (1), and her dad (1), and her dad's parents. At $400 a piece.... that's how much I spent on my CAR for fuck's sake! So that means I'd have to choose who she gets to be the safest with. Plus, say she survives the car crash. That doesn't guarantee her safety. Car could explode, car could be submerged, I could crash in the middle of a Wisconsin winter and she could slowly freeze to death. Or, she could be perfectly fine and I die because I'm poor and can't afford more than 2 grand for a car. Then she goes to her dad, who has even less money than I do. And she'd more than likely go to his parents who I wouldn't trust to watch a pet rock let alone my child. But, the best scenario is she'd end up with my parents and then she'd be brought up a Jehovah's Witness. Which won't ever happen if I am conscious of it. She's not going to be in a cult, because my children will not believe in the fairy tales from the bible.

The strollers, oh dear FUCK the strollers. You cannot possibly EVER justify spending hundreds on a stroller. I'm sorry but you're an idiot if you went outside your budget for a stroller. THEY HARDLY GET USED!!!!! Because once your kid is walking, and walking well, there is no reason to cart them around anymore unless there is an actual medical reason for it. They have legs, and they need to use them. You don't spend a year teaching them to walk so you can continue to have them not walk. I'm not busting my back because my kid is lazy. There is nothing in the world that will make me spend more on a stroller, unless that thing comes with a magic shield that shuts my kid up and keeps it happy THE ENTIRE TIME. They all have wheels, they all hold your child, and it's easier than carrying your ever-growing baby. There is no excuse I will accept for over-spending on a stroller. I just automatically think you're a total dupe that will throw money at anything bright and shiny. 

So, basically, I am saying that the best way to keep my child safe is to keep myself safe, which I can't do if I am spending a week and a half of my paycheck on frivolities like that. Billions and billions of people survived without all this crap, and they will continue to survive. Darwin must be spinning in his GRAVE at this generation!

1 comment:

  1. I agree that you shouldn't go out of your budget to get really expensive things. But with that being said we have a angel care monitor (from my baby shower) and the peace of mind it gives me and Ty is worth the money, even though I do agree with you SIDS will most likely happen no matter what you do (if it's going to happen). I also think it's worth it to spend money on a good stoller because I used one every day I was a nanny. Especially with my last nanny babe, I'd put her in there when the other kids wanted to bike etc.
