Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday of 100 Facts

1. Last beverage .::. Raspberry lemonade
2. Last phone call .::. My mom called earlier to discuss the ways to help prevent me from losing childcare assistance due to a bill of $1490 at my last daycare because the state fucked up AGAIN
3. Last instant message .::. It has been so many days I have no idea
4. Last song you listened to .::. "I've Got a Dream" from Tangled
5. Last time you cried .::. Umm... quite some time ago. On one of my mental breakdown days
6. Last text message .::. Lovah texted me today with bad news. Nothing but bad news today!

7. Dated someone twice .::. Sadly, I have been THAT stupid
8. Been cheated on .::. By just about every guy I have ever dated
9. Kissed someone & regretted it .::. I don't think so. It's just a kiss.
10. Lost someone special .::. Never really had anyone special. So no. I had "friends" off an on throughout life, but no one who ever really cared.
11. Been depressed .::. Every day of my life :)

12. green
13. yellow
14. pink

15. Made a new friend .::. I've made new acquaintances that I get along with.
16. Fallen out of love .::. Nope, still in :)
17. Laughed until you cried .::. Oh yes, watching Tosh.0
18. Met someone who changed your life .::. Yep, on May 5, 2008, at 7:22 pm. My life didn't even start until that moment. It wasn't worth anything and had no purpose until The Goob came out and met her mommy :)
19. Found out who your true friends were .::. No, found out who they WEREN'T. Which is everyone whom I thought was.
20. Found out someone was talking about you .::. Constantly, everyone loves to hate me, sure, I'm an easy target :P

21. Have you kissed anyone on your friend's list .::. Mhmm a few
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life .::. All except maybe 5
23. How many kids do you want to have .::. I'd like to have 1 or 2 more before the hysterectomy
24. Do you have any pets .::. Sookie the Basset Hound :)
25. Do you want to change your name .::. I always have hahaha. I hate my name!
26. What did you get for your last birthday .::. Nothing. From anyone. As usual :P
27. What time did you wake up today .::. 2:30 pm, Lovah seems to think it's acceptable to wake me up at this time. And then wonders why I am crabby.
28. What were you doing at midnight last night .::. Surfing the internet, playing Sims 3
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for .::. California next March!
30. Last time you saw your father .::. Friday I believe, when he dropped off the Lumina.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life .::. Nothing! I am who I am because of it all. Though more money would be nice. I don't need to be rich but not living hand to mouth would be nice.
32. What are you listening to right now .::. "Tangled"
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom .::. My neighbor Tom Temple :)
34. Who's getting on your nerves right now .::. Children not listening.
35. Most visited webpage .::. facebook or failbook
36. What’s your real name .::. Maria Jean Gruber
37. Nicknames .::. Goober, Junebug, Junior, Iea, Mama Bear
38. Status .::. in a loving relationship :)
39. Zodiac sign .::. Aquarius
40. Male or female .::. female
41. Elementary .::. Woodland Elementary School
42. Middle School .::. Riverview Middle School
43. Highschool .::.Barron Area High School
44. University .::. I went to WITC - Rice Lake to get my CNA license
45. Hair color .::. Dark Brown
46. Long or short .::. short
47. Are you a health freak .::. I would make Jillian Michaels have a stroke with how unhealthy I am.
48. Height .::. 5'6"
49. Do you have a crush on someone .::. Nope!
50: What do you like about yourself .::. I'm nice to everyone. It is also my fatal flaw, though.
51. What don’t you like about yourself .::. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEverything

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