Friday, August 12, 2011

Terrible Mom Continued...

Ooo I had to add the #1 most awful thing about me as a parent: My child will NOT believe in Santa, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, etc. I made a pact with her while she was in my uterus, to never lie to her. I plan to stick by that. I was raised in a house where religion wasn't really present. Funny, cuz now my parents are Witnesses/In a cult. So Christmas was just Christmas. It wasn't a religious thing, it wasn't a Santa thing. It was just a day where the 4 of us (5 of us a few times when Tiffany was around) would open presents from each other, drink hot chocolate, not argue, and just be together. It was magical and it was amazing and it is one of the few fond memories I have of all of us. Naturally, that is how Christmas is with me to this day. Being Atheist (OMG BURN ME AT THE STAKE!), I obviously don't celebrate any holiday as a religious thing. Being honest, I don't do the Santa thing either. We survived! We didn't go around telling other kids he wasn't real. We didn't lose our imaginations (I, for one, am QUITE imaginitive and creative). We just weren't ever lied to (about Santa haha, about marijuana we were lied to extensively). We still got money from my parents for losing a tooth. We still got Easter baskets and hid eggs. The only thing missing was the lie, and I am thankful for that and that is how I will raise all of my future children. I have been told I am awful for this, and a bad mom. I had an ex-fiance (this was before my daughter was born) actually CRY because I told him my kids won't believe in Santa. But he cried a lot. I'm pretty sure there was a vagina hiding behind his penis. He did, at least, have boobs. If nothing else. But yeah, that is my greatest transgression as a parent. I have destroyed my child's future. No Santa, her life is ruined!

In relation to the no lying, I caught some flack (from my parents mostly) for telling her about death. My parents had to put one of their dogs down this summer. I told my daughter that the dog "Ti Ti", was dead. The only explaining I did, really, was that the dog was old and sick. Ti Ti wasn't around anymore, she was all gone, she was dead. She pretty much grasped it. My parents told me I should tell her that Ti Ti is sleeping. Fuck you. Sleeping means you eventually wake up (GRANTED that is what they believe in their religion...  but not in my lack of religion. You die and then you die. The end. Who knows what happens after cuz I haven't died before), so therefore I am not telling he she's sleeping. Sorry if it's morbid, but tough titty. They gotta learn it some day!

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