Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2011 is FINALLY done with!

I am stealing this from my future sister-in-law, Molly. Because she's WAY more awesome/creative/blog-savvy/good-looking than I am *wink* I am going to go through my 2011 month-by-month to look back at my mistakes, my good ideas, and everything between!

I had my quarter-life crisis. 25. 2.5. TWENTY-FIVE! I realized my twenties were half over and the time for doing stupid things was over. Well, mostly. Isabel and I were in our own apartment, I was single and LOVING it (seriously), life was good. I was working at my last nursing home job, and things were going.... well, I was showing up, working, and getting paid. That was about it. I was hated by all of my co-workers and every day was a desperate attempt to NOT just walk off the job and lose my license.

I got fired from my job and so began a series of events that would define my life forever. I wasn't even upset, it was a real turning point. Especially since they wrongfully terminated me, and I had no problem getting unemployment.

I started working at the same place as my Lovah, as a temp, and history was made! I'll always remember that the girl I was working with asked him for help, so he came over and helped. Then she took a break and said if I had any questions to ask him. Then I was naughty. I asked for help when I knew FULL well how to do it. I'm pretty damn sure that he also took way too long on purpose to help me. By the end of the day we made a date to meet up that night at the local bar, where I also met his parents! And we started on the path we're on now!

My relationship with my Lovah was growing at this point. We spent almost all of our spare time together! I also was realizing at this point that I couldn't afford my apartment anymore. Being jobless for a month hit me hard, and getting next to no child support made it worse, then also getting a huge pay cut when I did finally get a job was the final blow. So we made a decision.

I moved in with Lovah, and my Goob, my baby, my most favoritest person in the known and unknown universe turned 3. I got my current job at the nursing home, though it was night shift. Also, I started learning just how completely insane his ex is, which is completely insane. Not a sane cell in her crazy body.

This would be Loo's birthday month, and my future stepdaughter turned a wise 4. We started  having fun with the kids, who really seemed to be bonding, and we started to really become a family!

My endo started causing problems again, and I made an appointment for Goob to see a behavioral specialist. This was met with a lot... a LOT of negativity. With the support of only my Lovah, I made a great decision to have her taken in. Then the excruciating wait for September began....

I was going through some stuff this month. I felt a lot of personal attacks on the way I raise my child from all ends. Between "wanting to drug my kid" and "being a terrible mom" and "being paranoid", I had just about had it. I felt fairly abandoned by everyone at this time, and it started a depression I'm still not quite out of yet. The one happy thing to happen all month was my Lovah asked me to marry him, and I said yes!

Goob got her appointment :D They started leaning more towards ADHD, but they wanted to be sure so they said to bring her back in four months. I found out a heart-breaking blow that my daughter is, mentally, about a year behind. Physically about 2 years ahead, though! She also started Head Start this month, and she was very excited to ride the school bus!

Halloween was a blast with the girls, and I found out this month that I got the day shift position at work! This was a very happy, exciting time for us. A light at the end of the tunnel, that things could, and would, get better!

I adopted Liadan this month! And then our family felt more complete :) I also had another bad case of bitchitis. Which happens when I hear people whine about their problems that aren't really problems. Which happens a LOT!

I finally got on day shift!!! I became a normal person!!! I worked four days and then completely fucked up my knee, also. Dislocated my kneecap and sprained it. It was one of the top ten most painful experiences of my life. PROBABLY number 5 or so I'd say. Maybe. Definitely top ten material, though. It brought tears to my eyes. But I didn't swear or scream or black out, so probably the back half of the top ten. I digress. We spent our first Christmas together as a family, and the girls had tons of fun! We wrapped up the year on a high note. Minus both of us hurting ourselves at work. So like a middle note. But still good, though!


  1. yay! I give you kudos for remembering your year, I totally cheated and re-read my blog.

  2. Lol I didn't even start blogging until July, so it was pretty damn tough!
