Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Resolutions and How I Almost Got Fired

So, I said I'd periodically update on my resolutions, plus I have some stuff to vent about, so here you go:

Quit Smoking: I'm doing pretty well, actually! I would have actually skipped a couple cigs yesterday, but due to the circumstances of the second part of my blog, I needed extras to deal with the stress. I haven't been smoking at home, and only smoked once on the three-hour drive when we had to go get Goob from her dad! Which is never happening again, if he can't bring her home all of the way next time, I am going to call the cops. My car can't make it that far and I can't miss work to go and get her. Fucking ridiculous!

Quit Drinking Pop: Not a single carbonated beverage has passed my lips this year! I have been drinking sweetened green tea instead! Yes, there is still sugar in it, but I can't do fake sugar because it's bad for my heart. Sugar really isn't bad for you anyway, unless you go completely overboard!

Eat Out Once a Month: Well, my birthday is at the end of the month (28th, it's a Saturday, I will get trashed!), so that is our once allowance of eating out this month. Sucks we have to wait until the last weekend of the month, but it's worth it! I'm already down 3 pounds!! IN FOUR DAYS!!!!

Read 100 Books: I finished the book I started last year, and I stated that I was going to count it, so I will be writing a blog about that tomorrow so I don't blog 3 times in one day!

So far, so good! Like I said, I've already started losing weight, so that's awesome! I'm not so bloated, either, from all the pop. It was ridiculous for a while there. Almost a 12-pack a day! Now, onto part two, how I almost got fired:

So, as everyone knows, Lovah and I are going to get married on Leap Day and we want to go to Ireland. Also, Goob has an appointment January 27th with her behavioral specialist, to follow up on her progress. Or, her complete and utter lack thereof. But, again, that's a blog for another day! So I had a girl pick up a day from me, she wanted the hours, so I can take her to that doctor. Apparently that's not okay. I have to switch days with someone. There is ONE person I could switch with. ONE. That also means that I need to switch in order to get the day after my wedding off, or I have to work. THE DAY AFTER I GET FUCKING MARRIED!!!! I almost had a heart attack. Seriously, my hands started going numb, I was so angry I was shaking and my heart raced. Then the office lady had the BALLS to tell me to "calm down" Calm down? FUCK YOU! You just told me I have to work THE DAY AFTER I FUCKING GET MARRIED you dumb fucking piece of shitting cunt fuck bitch ass! ALSO we have to move our vacation to Ireland to May instead of March. Which, not really too big of a deal. So, I talked to my administrator about it. He said that if I can't get someone to switch with me, that he'd see what he can do. I'm not working the day after my wedding and I HAVE to take Goob to the specialist. She's getting worse and we really need answers in order to move forward. So, hopefully things work out. I hate my job so much right now it hurts. Ugh.

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