Friday, October 7, 2011

Is that a light at the end of the tunnel!?

.... Nope, just a "watch for delays" sign. Damnit.

So, we have appliances. Washer, dryer, stove, and fridge. All new, except the fridge (5 years old). Problem: stove his hooked up but sitting in the middle of the kitchen (makes me PARANOID!!!). Washer and dryer are still in the boxes in the garage. I am now forced to bring AAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the laundry (or at least the necessary stuff) to the future in-laws. I'm not complaining in the sense you think I am complaining. I love them, and they are AWESOME and they said that if we were to divorce that they'd take me in the settlement :) I am complaining because I fucking HAAAAAAAAAAAAATE hand-outs. I am almost 26 goddamn years old and I should really have my shit one fuck of a lot more put together than I do. I appreciate it, and I know they're being nice, and I'm a major hypocrite cuz I am Helpy McHelperton when I am able to be, but it's just.... embarrassing, I guess is the word for it. Not only that but I'd have to buy soap JUST for doing laundry once over there. Izzy and I HAVE to use All Free & Clear. They have a front-loader fancy thingy that you need to use certain soaps for. I feel like just sucking it up, but I am already broken out in hives from stress, I don't need them from soap, too. But I really don't want to go to Walmart and buy damn laundry soap just to do laundry once. Though, it looks like it could be quite some time before ours are set up. Lovah has WAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY (lovin' the all-caps-too-many-letters thing today!) too many projects on his plate right now, and I know for a fact he bit off a fuck ton more than he can chew and we can't afford any of it. So we are pretty much fucked. I kind of wish the house would just burn down. Because at this point it's not going to be done for a long long time. And I would like to do laundry! I did a load a NIGHT before and it's been a week and we are drowning in laundry and have no clean clothes and I just want to cry.

1 comment:

  1. that's how I felt too when we were without a washer for a week. Take each project one at a time so Luke doesn't get overwhelmed and you get things done! Good luck~
